Friday, January 17, 2014

The Real Evolution is in Science

Over the past 100 years, science has been used against the faith community to ridicule beliefs considered antiquated and anachronistic for these modern times we live in.

Evolutionists scoff at the notion of creation. Anthropologists make light of believing we are made in God’s image. Astronomers point to the stars as proof of the non-existence of God. And on a more personal level, scientists have pushed the idea that since we are nothing more than an elevated blob of tissue we have therefore no more rights on this planet than do birds, or whales, or the animals of the Serengeti.

Less of a right in fact, since whales, and many birds and African animals are protected and take priority over the rights of mankind in public policy.

But science is beginning to become inconvenient for some who have used it over the past 50 years to deny life to the weakest among us. As more and more people are given the opportunity to see an ultra-sound of an unborn child, as more and more children are rescued from troubled pregnancies at earlier and earlier stages of pregnancy, and as more and more is learned of the humanity of the unborn child, science is tipping the scales in the fight for children.

Its been over 40 years since the Supreme Court, using what was already dubious scientific findings, made abortion on demand the law of the land.

On January 22nd tens of thousands will make a pilgrimage to Washington DC to remind our elected officials that science has come a long way since Roe v. Wade. Its time they did as well.

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