Thursday, May 29, 2014

Operation Choke Point May Lead to Stranglehold on Constitutional Rights for Us All

They say politics makes for strange bedfellows. I think that may be no truer than in the Department of Justice’s Operation Choke Point.

While a trivial thing like the Constitutional right to free speech prevents the government from shutting down the burgeoning porn industry, some federal officials have taken it upon themselves to find a work around.

In Conjunction with the FDIC and others, the DOJ has been pressuring banks to close the accounts of those in the porn industry. Here’s where the bedfellows are going to get strange.

While I would like to see an end to the relentless barrage of pornography that inundates today’s media and the internet, I cannot help but stand in opposition to Operation Choke Point.

The porn industry is the tip of the iceberg. So far businesses targeted have included payday lenders, ammunition sales, dating services, and online gaming sites.

Here’s the kicker. Who decides what gets targeted, and who’s next on the hit list?

According to Elizabeth Nolan Brown, writing for,

In a March 2013 hearing before a Senate Banking subcommittee, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) pointed out the obvious: that DOJ has "no statutory authority" to be doing this. But why bother with statutory authority when you can just secretly strong-arm highly regulated businesses into doing what you want?

Call me paranoid, but if you thought forcing a photographer to cover a gay wedding was bad, I think if this isn’t stopped we’re at the top of a very slippery slope.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Hey VA, We've been fighting wars. Didn't you get the memo?

This Memorial Day weekend, millions of people will take time off from work. 
This Memorial Day Weekend, families will travel to beaches and resorts to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, happy to get a break.
This Memorial Day weekend, Elected officials will march in parades, pontificate on the virtues of of our fallen heroes, and smile for the cameras.
This Memorial Day weekend, scores of Veterans continue to wait for services and benefits earned.
A recent report notes that hundreds of jobs remain unfilled at the VA, an agency that claims it can’t handle the backlog. How can jobs go unfilled while America’s Veterans wait for assistance? This kind of thing doesn’t happen overnight.
Other than the VA, was anyone else surprised that veterans would be asking for their well earned benefits? I’m sure they must have read the reports of wars in the middle east over the past few years. They must have been told to expect our soldiers sailors and Marines to be stopping by for help.
When you see someone in the military this weekend, ignore the sale ads, walk away from the picnic table, and take a moment to shake their hand and say thanks.
To my family, friends, and listeners who chose to serve their nation, God bless you.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sterling's War on Women Largely Ignored

Donald Sterling’s racist rant is the hit of the twitterverse. Newspapers around the globe are vilifying this disgusting old man whose only charm is in his wallet. But there’s a back story to this man’s character that has been mostly ignored in the public vituperate acrimony.

Sterling has consistently treated women with disdain, using them as toys for his excessive gratification. His May-December romance/trysting is on stage publically. In published reports, he buys women, uses women, discards women.

In the Washington Post, Ruth Marcus writes that when Sterling’s current girlfriend offered to remove blacks from her Instagram account, he said,

“I don’t want to change. If my girl can’t do what I want, I don’t want the girl,” Sterling announces. “I’ll find a girl that will do what I want.”
He knows: Market forces operate in his favor. The supply of beautiful young women exceeds the demand from wealthy trolls.

In a letter written by Ann Coulter for Human Events, she says she listened to eight hours of news commentary before anyone mentioned he has a wife.

“Today, a team owner can sit with his mistress at games, give her millions of dollars in gifts, precipitate a lawsuit from the old coot’s wife demanding return of their community property — and none of that even merits a mention in the first 14 paragraphs of the scandal stories about him.”

So why no boycotts of Sterling’s behavior towards women? Where was the public outcry over his demeaning treatment of women he paid for, let alone his wife?

The answer is what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

The NBA is famous for more than dribbling a basketball on a hardwood court. According to Wikipedia, Wilt Chamberlain’s lawyer once said,

"Some people collect stamps, Wilt collected women.”

While the NBA is not alone in its treatment of women as chattel, here’s a link to a host of allegations.

Reports abound regarding sex trafficking and slavery in this civilized world of ours.

The U.S. Dept of State has a page for the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. On it is this quote:

"It ought to concern every person, because it is a debasement of our common humanity. It ought to concern every community, because it tears at our social fabric. It ought to concern every business, because it distorts markets. It ought to concern every nation, because it endangers public health and fuels violence and organized crime. I’m talking about the injustice, the outrage, of human trafficking, which must be called by its true name -- modern slavery."
– President Barack Obama
I'm sure the President is as appalled as most of us at the statements made by Donald Sterling regarding blacks. But I wish someone had told him about his treatment off women as well. 

Wikipedia defines Human Trafficking as
"the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others."

A culture of sexual conquest exists that encourages and fuels trafficking. Its not just endemic to the NBA. Its visible in the NBA because the NBA is entertainment. Its also why a blind eye has been turned to Sterling's treatment of his wife and others over the years. Bringing his sexual escapades to light would not only cook Sterling's goose, but the entertainment gander as well.
Near the end of her letter, Coulter points out,

“In 1947, it was a scandal when Leo Durocher stole a married woman from her husband — and promptly married her, even living apart pending a final divorce decree. Today, a married team owner can bring his prostitutes to games and give detailed accounts of their copulations and it’s not even an issue.”